How I Survived 107 Degree Weather

A heat wave hit the Bay Area last weekend, taking the temperature as high as 107 degrees around where I live.

It was stinking hot.

I spent most of my days at nicely air conditioned coffee shops, working on my blogs and drawing. But at evenings, I had to come back to the baking heat that was trapped in my apartment. My apartment does not have air conditioning, which is usually not a problem, since San Francisco is known as the Foggy City as it stays cool throughout the year. But this heat wave was making me desperate.

Now, I should say, I always keep one-liter frozen bottles in the freezer, with which I make a bunny-sized "air conditioned room" when the weather gets too hot for my pet bunny. I take a large box, capsize it, make a door for her, and place frozen water bottles inside. The cool air from the box and the hot air outside create a small breeze for her, keeping her nice and cool.

The second day into the heat wave, I stared at my bunny's "air conditioned room" as I was sweating puddles, wishing that I could shrink down to her size so I can go inside that box.

And then it hit me!

I can create a similar contraption for my head and then place my feet in cold water, and I'm sure that'll keep me cool. And if I can get the fan to blow through the frozen water bottles, then it'll feel just like air conditioning!

Hence, my invention (refer to the illustration above).

I swear, sometimes I feel like a frickin' genius.

