Spiritual teachers say most people are unconscious and that we need to "wake up" in order to stop the suffering. But what does that mean? What does it mean when they say some people are unconscious, asleep? What does it mean to wake up? And the real important question, how can I tell that I'm unconscious or awake?
Let's start at the beginning.
Let's say we are all a little crystals. Everyone of us. (Obviously, this is just a metaphor. We are not really crystals in the inside. Although, since crystals are energy forms and we are also energy forms, we could argue that we are made of the same substance. But I digress.) So let's say that's who we are in true form, crystals. When we die and cast away our densest form, our body, we suddenly realize our true selves.
Now, some of us have black crusty rock covering the majority of us, the crystals. And some people are only partially covered, while others have little to no rock covering them, so they're almost completely exposed, nice and shiny.
The problem is, the black rock sees the outside of itself and forgets that it's actually a crystal inside, and so it believes that it is only a common rock. We can say that these are the unconscious people.
So when a problem arises, if feels helpless and powerless. After all, what can a common rock do? No matter how much Source gives power to the rock, the common rock just heats up a little but cannot banish the problem.
... so it takes the hard route. It throws it's body against the problem, not without hurting itself in the process. However, weeks later, the ugly problem arises once again.
Now, a crystal is different. It knows it's unlimited power. It knows how it is related to Source, and so no matter the size of the problem, it doesn't doubt that it can banish it easily and simply. So problems are no longer problems, sort to speak.
So now, what does it mean in real life?
As I was saying, the rock is like an unconscious person. They don't realize the power they have within themselves, so everything scares them, since it has been their experience that life problems are hard to get rid of. They are always on the look out for situations to go sour, or for people close to them to turn their backs on them. They are always afraid of the "what ifs" since they believe themselves to be a common rock.
But an enlightened person, a person that's fully awake, knows the power they have, their connection to Source, so problems are no longer problems. The more awake we are, the more it is clear about our connection to Source. Enlightened people blast away problems as soon as it comes up, because they know the truth that problems created in the head and is not an objective truth.
Let me clarify: It's only a problem because of the stories you make up in your head about the situation at hand.
Enlightened people realize that the ego tends to label situations as "good" or "bad," when the situations themselves don't have inherent meaning in them. That is, no situation is a problem unless we label the situation as a problem. We create elaborate stories and project to the future how this situation will create problems for us. Because an enlightened person knows that, in order to get rid of a problem, it only takes him/her to shift their thinking (and ultimately, their vibration), situations are no longer "problems."
And so, we come to the ultimate question: how can an unconscious person wake up and realize they are actually crystals?
There are two ways.
One: One day, your rock cracks open, due to sudden stress or a build up in pressure that has building for a long time.
This could happen because you're so miserable with life, so beyond depressed that you can't take it anymore. So you ask or rather demand that God put an end to your misery.
Second: Gradually, softly, gracefully through the ups and downs your life, as you do countless of self-reflections and think about the truth, the crusty rock wears away and reveals the true you, the crystal. Through millions and millions of signs, messages, and experiences, Source shows you who you really are truly, and also who you're not.
But no matter what, we're all crystals in the inside. Some people are wearing down the crusty rock faster and others a little slower. But it is a guarantee that one day ALL will know who they really are without exception. You cannot be in the illusion forever.